Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Trying Times

This Song is Dedicated to BA
(You know who you are)

Please enjoy all of the music and how it relates to this blog. 

The 1980s were a wonderful and very dark and trying period for me. I fell in love. I got married. I had two beautiful baby girls. It was the dawning of the era of Punk, Goth, Slam-Dancing, Piercing, and --of course -- Society's acceptance of Cocaine. I Got heavily into cocaine and became an alcoholic and drug abuser. My then wife and I became a part of the entire subculture. We both used cocaine--her, not to the extent of me. I don’t think she ever knew quite how bad I had gotten involved in the whole cocaine scene. Without going into details...we both paid a very heavy price for our lifestyles. We were both to blame for our actions and both took responsibility for the outcome. I paid an extremely heavy price and although we are both to blame for what happened, I truly feel sorry for her and regret that I was never able to tell her that I am sorry that everything happened the way it did. I really loved her and will always have a very special place in my heart for her. I hope you enjoy the play list below of the music, which we listened to at the time.

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